Xiaonei Gateway Switcher v1.0 realeased
Update: THIS TOOL IS NOT DEPRECATED BY RENREN'S NEW METHOD OF DIVING TRAFFIC. IT NO LONGER WORKS. However, they seem to fix all the speed related problems too. Hoorayy~
This is a little plug-in that I've made for Xiaonei.com as part of my XN_Hack Tool Box Project.
The real usage of this gateway is that when you reach a "time-out" page on XN, you will use this tool to switch to another gateway.
This tool's effectiveness is known and is very effective in fact. However, why does it work? I'm not even completely sure.
To access this tool, http://lslk.net/xn/ping (I used cache for this page so it will only update every 5mins, which I believe is a reasonable time frame)