Looking for Alpha Testers
After over one year of development, I'm happy to announce that Bookmark Me! has finally graduated from my home sever and it's ready for testing. Here I am inviting all of you, whoever is looking at this post right now, to become a tester for my project. The site still lack AJAX implementations, it's still 'plain text', so please excuse its appearance for now.
To become a tester, simply let me know by any means (fb comment/email/text), and registration forms will be sent to your Inbox within 24 hours.
My email is :
So what is Bmark.Me?
Project "Bookmark Me !" (Http://www.bmark.me) was an idea I formed at my 19th birthday, when I got inspired by few of my friends. It finally reached it's alpha stage and will be used by NYU's Chinese Mei Society as one of its marketing device (http://yuan10.wordpress.com) It is a link sharing site will have the following features as its top 10:
1. Storing a link and retrieve it with with a customized alias. (Done) 2. Sharing the link with facebook, twitter, etc. (In progress) 3. The owner can track the link's hits and referrers. (In progress) 4. For facebook users, the owner can see specifically who visited this link, and the visitors can choose not to reveal their identity as well. (In progress) 5. Links will be both scanned by anti-virus providers and the community. (In progress) 6. User can add tags, descriptions, and photos to associate the link. Using this feature, we can even suggest you links that you will be interested in!! 7. Users can view top linked sites and top tags by popularity. (Done) 8. Photo search on links. Since photos are tagged on links, one should be able to search using a photo and tag terms to identify which links are associated with the link. (Planned) 9. Private links, the owner can hide and/or password protect individual links.(In Progress) 10. A new business model for ad-clicking sites and marketing firms via new technologies. (Planned)
Why am I doing this while all the other sites are doing a great job?
1. I will offer some functionalities that they don't, for example: facebook tracking and photo searching. 2. When I first had this idea, the only popular site back then was TinyUrl, so this site, if implemented back then, would be a huge success. 3. This is part of my PHP Code portfolio for myself in the future. 4. I learned a lot, and will learn much more through the course of development. The goal is to make this site efficient, able to scale up, and extensible.
Why didn't you use HTTP 301 redirect to make it search engine friendly?
It is search engine friendly, in less efficient but more flexible way. The way I did it is that eventually the user can choose which method they want, either by using 301 or javascript redirect. The reason because of the behavior of the link previews from sites like facebook catches the link only catches whats there without letting the re-director modifying it. By using a javascript redirect in the middle of the page, the re-director can manipulate the information that will catch by facebook. For example, when you do a redirect of some blog you wrote with site like bit.ly and share it via facebook and you didn't write a summary for the blog, facebook will not catch what your blog says. However, by using bmark.me you can add pictures for link preview, etc. just to attract viewers. This could potentially evolve into an advertising method for many different purposes.
Why are you taking down the link scanning feature off after a few month?
To be honest, I didn't want to take it off since it is a very unique thing to do. It might be up again.
Right now, I am looking for two people for help,
1. CSS styler and web-page designers. 2. AJAX and Java-script writers.
I will share the honors.
Thanks for reading to the end, Edison