Things to do for summer...
It's summer again.....but this is a busy one. In fact, a much busier summer comapred to the previous one.
Why? Because I have more responsibility and wills now.
Some of things I've been doing so far are as follows:
- Doing independent study for Data Structure and Algorithm class at Cooper. Although only a 2 (or 4 if I try really hard) credit class, it is an important one if I wish to continune on the programming track for my ECE degree.
- Working at Cooper Union Computer Center. Doing nothing for $9.5/hr= Happiness. (quoted from K.T)
- Finishing up my This is my first independent PHP project. I'm trying really hard on this one, but a lack of experience makes me stuck on making important decisions for the design.
- Leading Web Porject Group. Finally I've found a group of people (from cooper) to build some awesome websites. Hopefully we will get some real business down and earn some knowledge. As of now..its not working so well~sigh~
- Of coz, hanging out with friends and families~ G.G.